Highcliffe Primary School in the village of Birstall, Leicester is situated on a restricted site with residential properties on all four sides of the school perimeter.

The infant school remained in full operation throughout the works, which required careful coordination to ensure minimal disruption and the welfare and safety of the pupils and residents.

Our precision manufacturing approach maximised time spent off-site and ensured 75% of the building was constructed through component design. 

This reduced on-site disruption which was crucial in a live education environment. It also allowed for a reduction in the number of people, contractor vehicles and material deliveries to site and minimised road closures.

During Initiative’s entire involvement as Principal Contractor designing and delivering the ESFA’s Modular Framework B project for Highcliffe Primary School, they have proven themselves to be a dynamic, highly-dedicated and responsive team. They have demonstrated a highly collaborative, professional, proactive and solutions-focussed approach to resolving a number of key challenges that had arisen Adam Jones, ESFA Framework Director

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